4 weeks to sugar free
Four Weeks to Sugar Free
Many people go sugar free for a variety of reasons. They might want to eat a more wholesome diet, lose some weight, or just love a challenge.
I went sugar free 4 years ago because my anxiety and depression were bad, my acne was bad, and my cravings for sugar were getting worse by the day.
If eliminating sugar is something of interest to you, keep reading!
Before jumping right in with both feet, think about your reason or reasons why you want to go sugar free. Write them down, put them on your fridge or mirror. If you need a mantra to stay focused, find one that works for you.
Benefits of removing sugar from your diet:
Boost immune system
Decrease depression and anxiety- overall better mood
Clearer skin complexion
Mental Clarity
Weight loss
Improvement in eyesight
Healthier gums and enamel
The four-week breakdown:
Week 1
No processed sweets. This means no cake, no ice cream, no brownies, no baked goods, no pastries, no pancakes, no waffles, no bagels - with sugar. BUT eat as much fruit as you want! If you aren’t a sweets person this this a good time to eliminate sugar in your coffee, tea, and sodas. If you are a sweets person, wait until next week- this way you aren’t detoxing too quickly.
Week 2:
No processed sweets and no breads or pastas with sugar. If you did not eliminate sugar from your coffee, sodas, teas- eliminate those now. Continue to eat as much fruit as you want.
Week 3:
Add to your list no condiments with sugar. Things to think about are ketchup, BBQ sauce, steak sauce, seasonings, salad dressings, and sauces. This week start to cut back on fruit to three servings a day.
Week 4:
No added sugars and cut back to two servings of fruit a day.
Sweetener types that I still use: stevia, truvia (100%), honey, and maple syrup.
Condiments I still use: sugar free ketchup, salsa, hot sauce, Brianna’s Homestyle Vinaigrette Dressing
Of course, you will still have cravings here and there after the four weeks, but just realize how great you feel without sugar. Remember the benefits of life without it and remember the downfalls of life with it.
Keep sweets out of sight-out of sight = out of mind.
If sweets are around, hide them in a basket but also have a basket of things you can have without sugar. Keep fresh fruit readily available. I always have three baskets full of fruit on my countertop. Bananas, apples, and oranges.
Things to help curve cravings:
Keep small unsweetened things on hand:
100% cocoa chocolate (check ingredients)
Sugar free pudding
Sugar free jello
Go for a walk
Journal how you’re feeling
Do a workout
Talk to a friend
Most importantly, REMEMBER YOUR “WHY”! Why did you start the journey? What’s your end goal? What you eat today, will affect you tomorrow. Giving into the cravings will only give you more cravings! Stay strong and sugar free on!
Here is a great sugar free muffin recipe! One of our favorites:
Here is a great brownie recipe- another favorite:
With Love, Coach Cortney and Krista Lee